Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Salesians Return to Sa Kabukiran

Salesians return to Sa Kabukiran

They said they will return. And return, they did. On December 23, 2016 Salesians returned to Sa Kabukiran. This time, with not only seven of them but 18 of them! These were the Salesians of Don Bosco Mabalacat, Don Bosco Tarlac and Don Bosco San Jose, Nueva Ecija. These three Salesian Houses call themselves the Solid North since they are the Salesian institutions located North of Manila. The group came  early in the morning at about 7:45 am, straight from their celebration of Simbang Gabi from their respective locales. Immediately, a sumptuous breakfast of longganisang Guagua, Tocino, Tuyo, Itlog na maalat and tsokolateng batirol welcomed them.

After breakfast, the group headed to the Lolita Lapid Hall where they recited Lauds, or morning prayer. Thereafter, I gave them a talk that served like an Advent recollection for them. The talk was entitled: “ O come let us adore him.” As in other talks that I have given to some of the clergy, I told them that when I address priests and brothers, I feel a bit uneasy, knowing that I am just a lay person. Nonetheless, despite the initial unease, I took strength from the fact that what I preached were not my own words, but were words taken from the word of God. 

18 Salesians pose at the Lolita Lapid Hall

Praying Lauds or morning prayers

After the talk, they had some moments of reflection, some of them moving around quietly the spacious and serene place of Sa Kabukiran. Then an adoration of the Blessed Eucharist was held also at the Hall. They brought along with them a kind of a small wooden tabernacle where they kept the Holy eucharist. For an hour or so, they kept watch and contemplated in silence the presence of Jesus among them. It was a scene that was simple, serene, yet touching where you see these Salesians quietly contemplating and just being there present with Jesus among themselves. I guess the ambience was also unique since the whole adoration atmosphere was surrounded by the lush trees that surrounded the hall. Really, Jesus is the Lord of all creation, and he is simply surrounded by it this time. 

During the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Salesians in silence during the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
The usual sumptuous Sa Kabukiran lunch was served – lechon, adobo, bangus, hipon with tabang talangka, chicharon with buro and binagoongan rice to go with it! At table, the usual happy Salesian fellowship was present as they recalled and shared funny and hilarious episodes in their respective apostolates. 
Fellowship during sumptuous lunch

I have long been out of touch with the Salesians. Of the 18 who came, only four of them were acquaintances: Fr. Joey Paras, Bro. Nick, Fr. Ben Cavestany, Fr. Rolo Alcasid. I realized that my contemporaries then have all turned older like myself and a much younger group of Salesians whom I do not know much is now taking over the work of Don Bosco. This gives a kind of assurance that Don Bosco’s work with us will continue with these energetic and younger Salesians.

My apprehensions during my talk also quickly vanished as I felt how receptive they were despite my lay status. I just felt that the Lord touched them in a very personal way, as only he can plumb the depths of the hearts and  souls of these good Salesians.
After lunch, the group headed home, fully revitalized with their encounter with their brothers in the different Salesian houses, but also with their unique and loving encounter with the Lord whom they have so lovingly followed all these years of their life. I know that Sa Kabukiran has been blessed with the presence of these Salesians but most of all with the presence of the Lord who has stayed in this lovely place even for only just a while. Merry Christmas to everyone!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Culminating Seminar of Four Gospels Sa Kabukiran

Culminating Seminar At Sa Kabukiran

Sometime in September 2016, the Archdiocesan Lay Formation Institute or ALFI launched a 12 week session on the study of the four gospels. This was to be held every Saturday from 8 am – 10 am.  The title of the seminar was “Who do you say I am?” The title is taken from that episode in the Gospel where Jesus asks the same  question to his disciples. The seminar was intended to study the four gospels so that participants could have a better knowledge of Jesus according to these Gospels. All the sessions were conducted at the DSF Building in San Fernando, Pampanga. 

Class picture of participants

Some of the sharing session during the seminar

However, on the final session, on December 3, 2016, the seminar was held at Sa Kabukiran. This culminating session was to bring to a close the 12 week seminar. The day started at 10:00 am with the first session. Lunch was a potluck lunch with all participants sharing what they have brought to the lunch table. After lunch another session was held. This ended at 3 pm.
The 12 week seminar was indeed a wonderful experience to all who participated as it brought them to a closer knowledge and deeper understanding of Jesus. Such seminars bear fruit inasmuch as they bring to us a deeper faith in him who allows us to know him much more as we read his story as told to us by the evangelists.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

First Salesians to set foot Sa Kabukiran

Salesians Sa Kabukiran

It was November 7, 2016. Salesians spent a day Sa Kabukiran. It was a historic first as they were the first Salesians to step inside Sa Kabukiran. They were Salesians from Tarlac who wanted to have some time for themselves, to think and reflect and evaluate the past semester. Sa Kabukiran was the perfect place for that. The trip to Sa Kabukiran was organized and sponsored by Mike Carlos who has been a very good friend and promoter of Sa Kabukiran. He invited Fr. Joey Paras SDB to come to Kabukiran and spend a day there with his confreres.
Their stay at Sa Kabukiran included a talk from me regarding the Laity in the New Evangelization. This also included a time for them in the afternoon to assess and evaluate their institution for the past semester. 
Seven Salesians Sa Kabukiran with Mt. Arayat at the background

At the end of the day, the salesians had a quick tour of the farm, culminating in picture taking with Mt. Arayat at the backdrop. This visit was indeed a blessing Sa Kabukiran. I think they liked the place. So they’re planning to have a day once more here with two other Salesian institutions in the north, namely, Don Bosco Mabalacat and Don Bosco San Jose, Nueva Ecija.

Two of the Salesians were my contemporary, who were a little older than I was – Fr. Joey and Bro. Nick. The rest were young Salesians who happened to know my songs way back when they were still in high school and continue to sing my songs in Don Bosco. Really happy to hear that from them. I will be awaiting their return in Kabukiran before Christmas sometime in December when the Salesian Solid North will come once more to bless this beautiful place.
Seven Salesians in their blue shirts.

Monday, September 19, 2016

St. Scho Batch 83 Reunion Sa Kabukiran

Batch 83 Reunion Day Sa Kabukiran

Sometime in May 2016, a group of St. Scho Alumnae Batch 83 had their reunion at Sa Kabukiran. They started their day taking breakfast at Eileen Aquino's residence at Marquee Place in Angeles City. From there, they traveled by convoy to Magalang at Sa Kabukiran.
It was one of those rare moments when classmates got together not only to reminisce the old days but also to tell their own stories at the moment. Life indeed has made them grow. Both happy and challenging moments is what makes life really worth living! It was a day when, surrounded with the peaceful and quiet place Sa Kabukiran, they shared their stories with one another, reflecting for a moment how they have dealt with life as best as they can. The sharing was lovely and very enriching. These small but well bonded group experienced a deeper bonding they've never had in all their years as long time classmates. Here we share a few of their pictures taken with Mt. Arayat as a back drop.

Ten lovely ladies posing Sa Kabukiran with Mt. Arayat at the background.
Eileen Aquino doing a selfie

The group has asked me to facilitate a kind of retreat for them. The facilitation was not difficult as these ladies have been in touch with one another for a number of years. I've heard that they will be celebrating their silver jubilee as Alumnae of St. Scho. They are also batch mates of my sister Gina. The group was organized by Beng Tanglao and Eileen Aquino.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Remembering Mom's Third Death Anniversary

In June 27, 2016, we remembered Mommy's third death anniversary here at Sa Kabukiran. This whole place is practically dedicated to her memory. The name Sa Kabukiran comes from her favorite song, Sa Kabukiran sang by Sylvia La Torre. A special Kubo was made in memory of her. It was here where we celebrated her memory and life by praying together as a family and with our close relatives.
Lighting Candles in her memory
Praying together for her
Ating Beth saying a prayer for the sweetest Mother she has ever known.
Cindy whispering to Jesus:" Tell my mommy that I love her very much!"
Myself, asking Mommy to be with me at all times.
The family together witnessing to her lovely legacy of love and care.

MQC recollection at Sa Kabukiran

MQC students hold their annual recollection at Sa Kabukiran. For five consecutive Saturdays and Sundays, students attended an overnight recollection by batches.
Here are pictures of some of these students. The recollection was facilitated by Manny Masaclao, a theology teacher at MQC. The recollections were held at the Lolita B. Lapid Hall of Sa Kabukiran.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Three Ladies visit the garden of Eden

Sa Kabukiran had three visitors lately. They were organized by Jen Basilio Dayag.  I wasn't there to meet them. But judging from the pictures they sent me through a common friend, Aries, I could imagine that they've enjoyed every bit of time Sa Kabukiran. I really loved their pictures. They were beautiful pictures. It really highlighted the natural beauty of the place. I'm sharing these now so you too can enjoy the peaceful and serene beauty of Sa Kabukiran.

Monday, January 11, 2016

BGC Officers and Staff Spend a Day Sa Kabukiran

Jan. 6, 2016,  Saturday.  BGC officers and staff spent a day Sa Kabukiran for a training seminar on teambuilding that focuses on self-confidence and unity building. This seminar was a brainchild of Mike Carlos and Remmel Sotto, who are both officers of BGC.  Both saw the need for enhancement seminars like these to improve the BGC organization. 

During the first session,  where participants introduce themselves using symbols to represent themselves. 

Visits to Kabukiran always highlight this sumptuous kapampangan meal of adobo, bangus and shrimp together with delicious dips like buro, achara and tabang talangka. Nag – lelearn ka na, busog ka pa!

A picture of participants from during one of the sessions. 

Delta Bikers Find an Environmental Oasis of Peace and Quiet Sa Kabukiran

Dec. 23, 2015. A group of bikers who call themselves Team Delta, visited Sa Kabukiran. The group started out in San Fernando, Pampanga at about 5:00 a.m. and headed biking towards the town of Arayat. Thereafter, they headed to the town of Magalang at Barangay Turu, where Sa Kabukiran is located.
Sa Kabukiran was a well deserved respite for these 25 bikers, who after a grueling bike through several towns found some peace, quiet and relaxation at a lovely environmental oasis in Kabukiran. The team was headed by Mike Carlos together with Remmel Sotto. They arrived at around 9:30 a.m., and immediately had a sumptuous brunch served on fresh banana leaves. After lunch, the group lounged for some time at the gazebo spending some time together. The day ended some time about 1:30p.m. after the group had a a short tour around Kabukiran.

Delta Bikers at the Arayat National Park at barangay Banyo, Arayat , Pampanga. 

A view from the loft of the main kubo at Sa Kabukiran. Getting ready for brunch.

Brunch time! After losing all those calories biking, now its time to gain them back again. (Haha…)

 Lounging at the gazebo after brunch. Nothing better than a cup of great tsokolateng batirol, nowhere to be found but only at Sa Kabukiran.

The trip to Kabukiran always ends with this majestic view of Mt. Arayat at the backdrop. Farewell Kabukiran. Til the next biking trip! 

Monday, January 4, 2016

GRBank goes to Sa Kabukiran

On November 4, Wednesday, Sa Kabukiran was visited by the Board of Directors of Guagua Rural Bank (GRBank). The board, headed by its President, Jay Carlos were accompanied by some of its bank personnel. They came not only to visit Sa Kabukiran but also took the opportunity to hold their weekly credit meeting there.

The board decided to hold their weekly meeting there after hearing a number of positive feedback regarding the place. Since my sister Bettina was a member of the board, they asked her to arrange the visit. When the board arrived, you could see in their faces the surprise and the wonder they had for the place. But I guess, they were surprised all the more with the lunch that was served. In typical Sa Kabukiran fashion, the board was treated to a sumptuous Kapampangan meal placed on fresh banana leaves, with everyone eating with their bare hands. I heard a lot of compliments about the food. It was simple, nothing really fancy, but was really filling. I heard Jay telling us that the place and the food was a completely new and different experience. Similar comments were given by other members of the board like Grace whom I particularly saw to be so appreciative and so amazed at the entire set up. Mike, too, one of the board members , had long wanted to come and see this place. Finally, on that day, he saw for himself and experienced the Kabukiran way. Thanks Jay. Thanks Grace. Thanks Mike. Thanks too Liza, for your generous comments on the farm. Thanks to all of the board directors of GRBank for gracing our place with your presence. Your comments give us a lot of encouragement to continue our work in this simple place we call Sa Kabukiran. I hope, you help us let other people know this place by retelling your wonderful experiences Sa Kabukiran.

After that sumptuous meal, the board proceded to the Kubo dedicated to mom’s memory. Before they held

the credit meeting, I was requested by Jay to give a short talk. The talk I prepared for the group was about the role of business in the ecosystem. I thought that since the group was a business group, a seminar on the role of business in the ecosystem was very appropriate. Sa Kabukiran prides itself of advocating for environmental issues and delivering these to a group of business people was just the right place and time.

Right after the short talk about business and the environment, the group held their credit meeting. The day ended at about 5:30p.m., with some of the board members particularly Jay, Grace and Mike taking a view of Mt. Arayat from the edge of the farm. I am sure their stay with Kabukiran was a wonderful time spent. Having people who appreciate much of the work done gives encouragement and such affirmation for this endeavor. Thanks GRBank. More power to the number one Rural Bank in Pampanga and Central Luzon!